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VECTREAL Unveiled:

A Game-Changer in 3D E-commerce, Built with Love

Hey there, friends! I've been working on something pretty awesome lately, and I just can't keep it to myself any longer.

Let me introduce you to VECTREAL - my passion project aimed at transforming the way fashion and e-commerce products are showcased and interacted with online. Grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and let me give you a behind-the-scenes look at this game-changer in the making.


VECTREAL is my baby, born out of countless hours of coding using ReactJS, Redux Toolkit, Auth0 for authentication, and MongoDB for handling project and user data. For that extra dash of visual flair, I've been using react-three-fiber and react-three-drei for 3D visualization, with plans to level up even further by implementing the glTF-transform library for 3D object optimization.

The big idea behind VECTREAL is to create a user-friendly toolkit with state-of-the-art 3D web visualization features, empowering product owners to boost user experience, interactions, and product discovery across e-commerce platforms. At its core, VECTREAL is a sleek 3D management platform that fosters collaboration, offering streamlined project workflows for crafting immersive product detail viewers, tailor-made for the fashion world.

Here's a taste of what VECTREAL is all about:

  • Collaborative CMS
  • Personal cloud hosted 3D assets
  • Sleek, universally usable 3D viewer / editor
  • Optimized models
  • Scene creation from assets
  • Hotspot magic for PDP
  • Templates for product showcases
  • Webpage builder
  • Ready-to-use code snippets
  • Automations for scalability

Our vision for VECTREAL is to be the go-to choice for businesses seeking an efficient, reliable 3D e-commerce solution that also dazzles end consumers. By giving creators and enterprises the tools they need, I believe we can spark a new era of 3D e-commerce web pages together.

Though the journey isn't over yet, you can check out the official landing page at vectreal.com to stay in the loop on our progress. And hey, for any businesses out there keen on collaborating, or potential employers who see the value in my skills, let's chat! I'm always excited to explore new opportunities and partnerships.

Thanks for your support, and keep an eye out for more exciting updates!

Created with 🧠 and next.js | © 2022 Moritz Becker